Thursday, August 21, 2008

Summer's Over

I love summer and don't want it to end. My goal for miles on my road bike is 2000 and I am curantly at 1400. Will I make it before the first snow falls.
I and Glenda have been cleaning out the craft room and making it into a Craft/workout room. I would like to come up with a new name for the room. Maybe something like recreation room/blue room/ getaway room/lower west room/area room/ hobbie room/ get-down room/my-room/ happy room/ long room/anything room/ hubb room/ now room/ dump room/ enshoy room/. Help me come up with something good.
We have also been cleaning out the storage room and have found ways to make more room in the shelves. I utilized space by putting card board on top of a shlef full of glass jars and put small glass jars on the carboard to fill the space between the next shelf. We might have a small yard sale to sell items we have now use for anymore too. Well I need to get home and see that Zach is going to mow Porters lawn. So long.

1 comment:

Crazy Lees said...

I like the SSE room...Way to go! that is a ton of miles! I just realized you had your blog! I will put it onto my blog ...when I get a moment to work on it! Thanks for being a great big bro!